our {tea menu(extraction)};


Brew Style: Immersion (Infusion)

Brew Time: 3-5 mins

Equipment: Scale, Tea Pot

Process: The oldest methods of unearthing delightful flavors by hydrating any loose leaf teas with careful selection of appropriate water temperature and volume at a preset time. Charmingly simple yet entailing careful precision of measuring and steeping every loose leaf tea variety with spring quality water results in drawing out subtle flavors. After using loose tea leaves once in the pot during first infusion, loose leaves can be used for subsequent infusions for providing eternal pleasure.


Brew Style: Percolation

Brew Time: 25-45 secs

Equipment: Grinder, Scale, Espresso Machine

Process: Unique extraction method by using a single origin loose leaf Green tea variety and grinding it fresh to pull a shot on our espresso machine. Chai is also incorporated with our Black Loose Leaf Tea Espresso shot.


Brew Style: Immersion

Brew Time: 16-24 hours

Equipment: Scale, Cold Brew Bucket, Mesh, N2 Gas

Process: Drinks on tap accentuates the craft of brewing with perfection. Application of long brewing time to our selection of loose leaf tea varieties heightens the multitude of our tea offerings as well as inspire the extraction of complex and composed flavor notes. Infusion with pure nitrogen spawns a nitro brew tea which compliments well with our brewing variety.